This semester, our project team is more than doubling in size!
With the help of Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW), a club on campus, we were able to successfully recruit through many different online events, and word spread around the campus community about our project.
We received many emails from people reaching out about joining our team, and we were able to add five new members! We are very excited about expanding our team and, hopefully, being able to produce much more recycled filament for our research (once we can safely work in-person again).
Because we are adding these new team members while working remotely, we will have to be sure to get to know each other as best we can without in-person activities.
As the project lead, I plan to implement a variety of ideas in order to help to unify our entire team. As a start, I will host online games and brainstorming sessions where everyone can talk to each other and share ideas.
I plan to use online games as a sort of ice breaker so that people can start to feel more comfortable around one another. Further, the planned brainstorms will help to create an open environment where people can share ideas easily.
Lastly, once people have become more comfortable around each other, I would like to hold a vision board meeting, where each team member can create a vision board of their own. This vision board can include project related goals as well as school and personal goals. I made it a goal of mine to hold a vision board meeting with our entire team because I think it is a very fun way for everyone to set goals for themselves, and it also allows team members to see their peers’ values as well. In this way, vision boarding allows team members to set goals for personal growth while also helping to unify the team.
So far, that is my plan, as project lead, to unify our team throughout the semester and to create a welcoming and supportive environment for our new members. I can’t wait to all start working together to create sustainable, recycled filament for our campus community!
This blog post was written by Brooke Chang.